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My name is Katt Perry and I am theatre-maker, teacher, performer and deviser based in Northamptonshire.


I think its important to make theatre that is intriguing, thought provoking and accessible to everyone but allowing them to receive individual responses. I am currently touring professionally a theatre production of  ‘Concerto’ with Michael Pinchbeck, Ryan O’Shea & Mark Hawkhead, Alongisde this I am devising a solo piece of theatre which involves themes around the novel ‘Lolita’ by Vladimir Nabokov.


As well as touring/devising theatre, I teach Performing Arts & Production Arts at Tresham College, Kettering.


To find out more about my theatre projects, please visit the projects page. If you have any questions or would like to get in touch please email me:


Thank you,







Photo: Julian Hughes

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